Project promotion at Bobocfest, UASMV Bucharest
News about the rugby team’s participation in promoting the project 2022.01.04
The feminine rugby, to debate in the fields of Pepe Rojo 2021.09.30
An event to promote women’s rugby 2021.09.30
A busy weekend for players and activists of KS Budowlani Commercecon Łódź
News about transnational meeting in Portugal
KS BudowlanI Łódź coaches in Lisbon. Conference “Coaching rugby 7 for girls” in Łódź 2021.07.06
Good performance of women’s KS Budowlani Łódź team in sparing games. Coaches in Portugal 2021.06.24
News about transnational Kick-off meeting, București 2020.02.21
Articol Click! Sport 06.04.2021
Fotoeditorial in 100sport, Martie 2021
Newsweek Article
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